EP 44 - The Sculptor’s Chisel

Conflict is like a sculptor's chisel. It can create something of value, OR break things apart...


“Conflict” is like a “sculptor’s chisel”. It can create something of value or break things apart. It can shape and refine ideas, relationships, and solutions; or it can do the exact opposite. Conflict can reveal deeper insights and foster growth, or it can stifle learning, diversity, and teamwork. Like it or not, you’re a sculptor. You’re here to shape teams, chip away at problems, and create value. So you must embrace conflict. You can’t avoid it. When you avoid conflict, it is still there, it’s just unspoken, and it creates resentment, dissension, and disengagement. So don’t think of conflict as something to be avoided. You have to embrace it. Like the sculptor’s chisel, it’s an invaluable tool, but it takes skill and practice. So think like a sculptor, pick up that chisel, and get to work!


EP 45 - Conflict & Cooking


EP 43 - Meeting Madness