In this episode, MentalNotes Founder Scott Dow explains how to practice visualization.

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You're listening to the Mental Notes Podcast. In this episode, Mental Notes founder Scott Dow explains how to practice visualization.

So we're building out your self-coaching toolkit. By now, you know how to learn on the go and how to create mental images for certain situations. But now you have to simulate those situations. You have to mentally rehearse the things you want to do. This is called visualization. But most people really don't know what that is.

There's a right and a wrong way to practice visualization. If you get it right, it can change your life. If you get it wrong, it's just a waste of time. But we're going to help you get it right.

There are two types of visualization. First type focuses on what you want, the outcome. I want more money, I want that promotion, I want whatever. Well, the self-help industry focuses on this type of visualization, and it's all crap.

There are movies and books about the law of attraction. Now, that's the idea that if you want something and you focus on it enough, that you'll attract it into your life. It's a really nice idea, but it doesn't work. It's pseudoscience. There's no empirical scientific evidence supporting the law of attraction.

There's an old saying, you can wish in one hand and crap in the other, and see which one fills up first. The wish serves a useful purpose, but it doesn't get you real far. That's a good thought to keep in mind. Listen, I like vision boards too, but if that's all you've got, you're wasting your time.

The second type of visualization focuses on the process of getting what you want. Remember, a good mental image allows you to plan for, prepare for, and predict what's going to happen in the future. It allows you to overcome the obstacles in your way.

A vision board does none of that. You have to visualize the road to success. You have to see yourself in action. Remember, informal learning helps you create mental images, and mental images help you visualize. And visualization helps you act out what you're trying to accomplish.

So how do you practice visualization? First thing you do is this. Don't ignore the outcome. Think about the end results you want, go ahead and make your wish list.

Say you have a vision of leading your team through a challenging time. Put it out there. Use your mental picture to see the end result. Let yourself feel successful. Let yourself feel a sense of accomplishment. Go ahead and use the law of attraction. I won't tell anyone.

But the second thing is this. Once you see the end result, zoom out. See the wide angle shot of your mental image. See the end and then work backwards. What do you see yourself planning for? How do you see yourself preparing? Watch yourself in action. Take in the total picture you've created.

Think of it this way. You're creating this moving picture. You're taking your mental image and watching it play out. You're seeing yourself in action. Now zoom in on the challenges you see. Use a closer angle shot of the situation. Focus on the predictable roadblocks. See yourself applying your rules of thumb. The best practice is stored in your mental image. Watch yourself overcoming obstacles.

The final thing is this. Rewind the movie you've created. Play it back and forth. Mix in different settings and challenges. See yourself using different techniques. Watch the different outcomes play out. This is your chance to edit the movie, to make it better.

Keep this in mind, visualization is a practice technique, it's not a wish list. Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't wish his way to bodybuilding championships. He didn't wish his way into Hollywood or the governor's mansion.

He mentally rehearsed what it would take to accomplish each outcome. He envisioned the road to success and then he followed it. And you can too.