EP 7 - The Complete Leader
A complete leader does 3 things: Deliver results, develop people, and create a positive work environment. Anyone can be a complete leader, BUT it requires deliberate practice...
The Complete Leader
A complete leader can deliver results, develop people, and create a positive work environment. Now, they're not altruistic, they're just pragmatic. They know if they deliver results, but their people stall out, those results won't last. And if their people grow, but the results don't come, they won't last. And if they get results in a toxic work environment, their people won't last.
Anyone can be a complete leader, but it takes very deliberate practice. There are three dimensions of leadership: you've got to focus on the personal, the interpersonal, and the group.
The personal dimension is all about you. It's how you manage your thoughts and emotions, your stress and your well-being, your focus, and your decisions.
The interpersonal dimension is all about relationships. It's how you communicate and motivate, how you listen and empathize and how you coach and teach.
The group dimension is all about the team. It's how you build shared values, purpose and commitment. It's the standards you set, the culture you instill, and it's the legacy you're going to leave.
Again, it's not altruistic, it's pragmatic. If you can't manage your well-being, you can't manage the well-being of others.
Without healthy relationships. If people don't trust you, if they don't think you care about them, or if you're inconsistent, people won't follow you. And people are social creatures, social support and cohesion, a sense of belonging, a sense of community. It's the glue that binds us and sustains us through very difficult times. Complete leaders are always working on their self-talk, their relationships and their team.
They're very intentional. To them, leadership is a practice, and like the practice of medicine or a legal practice, to them, leadership is an ongoing effort to hone their craft. Their standards are very high and their mission is very simple: deliver results, develop people, and create a positive work environment.